Zika virus outbreak in Brazil

Some facts about the current Zika virus ‘outbreak’ in Brazil:

  • A few deaths have been reported in people who had been diagnosed with dengue fever and who died due to worsening symptoms. These patients were shown post-mortem to be infected with Zika virus. Worsening of dengue-fever-like symptoms hence will need to be treated as such *.
  • Along with increased cases of Zika virus infection, an increase in the number of babies born with microcephaly (literally “micro/small brain”). Of those babies, at least one infant has tested positive for the virus. A conclusive link between Zika virus infection and microcephaly has not been confirmed but further investigations have been initiated *.

What you need to know about this virus:

  • Its genetic material is a positively single-stranded RNA molecule and as such, it belongs to the flaviviridae alongside dengue fever, yellow fever, and so on..
  • Zika virus, hitches a ride to its host by means of mosquitoes, Aeges aegypti and others of the Stegomya subgenus (present in areas where more then half of the worlds population is living ), and transmission has been reported to be via blood and potentially also via semen*
  • Zika virus symptoms are generic and include fever, rash, joint pain, red eyes.
  • There is no vaccine and no treatment, so protection from mosquito bites is the only preventive measure one can take.
  • An initial analysis suggests that Zika virus infection could be transmitted during the first 3 months of pregnancy and that during delivery the virus could potentially be transmitted to the newborn *