A simple cheese

I experimented with preparing a quick cottage cheese-like cheese with herbs.

Thereto I used a relatively old milk kefir, (as opposed to fresh from the batch), from which I squeezed out most of the liquid using 2 towels. The resulting curd was put overnight for dehydration. It smelled like cheese when I started and it smelled like cheese the day after 😊

Honestly, I didn’t dare to try it, and put it in the fridge the next day.

I waited and waited for a brave moment to try it, as I was sure it would be horrible…





Today (13-05-2017) I had a moment of bravery: I did try it. The cheese was extremely creamy and had a subtle taste of herbs in it. It was edible, quite edible! Hence I would categorize this first decent experiment as a 🌟 success!🌟.

For me personally though, it is just a tat heavy, which is not surprising given the milk I used and knowing that all fats and proteins will be condensed in this cheese


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