With all the things that are currently going on in the world, the blackness, the fear, the media-induced extreme paranoia with regards to everything contagious, I was wondering where this is going: There always seems to be more and more and more of it, not less. Why is this?
Disclaimer: I don’t have the answers, I don’t know, I don’t have a degree philosophy or psychology so I know precious little about these things, but I can try to think about them and see what comes up..
With this COVID stuff, it seems we are focussed en masse by the media on the dangers of being together, the potential for transmitting disease. This concept of spreading disease is not new, it has been with us for decades, think about the flu, the common cold, HIV, … We are very familiar with them, yet we do precious little to stop them from spreading. Why is COVID different in how we stick to normal hygiene in particular (distancing from infected people, wash our hands, cough in our arm pit, stay home when we are having symptoms)? Why now?
With our imposed limitations, governments gain more control and it starts to appear that in some instances/countries basic human rights are going to be denied. And it seems that this is a trend (I am not denying COVID is a scam. I believe it is a real virus and it’s a nasty one, but we shouldn’t throw out the baby with the bath water).
There is so much fear, and even more fear broadcasted 24/7. (I am not denying no atrocities are taking place world-wide. There are, and I am all for it to stand up to abuse and aggression.) Instead of living on ‘cloud 7’ we are living on cloud ‘Fear’. Could it be that we resonate with those fears because we are not facing our own?
The advertised fears play into our insecurities, shame, guilt, fear of abandonment and rejection etc.. They stimulate them. And what have we learned to do over generations: RUN from it.. (Perhaps it’s also hard-coded => wouldn’t want to ‘face fear’ when you are in front of a hungry man-devouring beast). But in our society, there are actually very few ‘uncertainties’ and ‘life-threatening’ dangers (at least this is true for the west) and we are in the position where we can face our fears.
Jung’s shadow side came to mind there: if we are not facing our fears, than the fears are ruling us subconsciously. We may take the fears as fact, without scrutinization, because we are too afraid to look at why they are there. It seems even worse with COVID, where our fears are being collectively focused and things are manifesting into reality at an even greater pace it seems (anyone expecting a second wave?).
The thought came to mind that if enough people would go inside and face their fears, the hold that the media broadcasts have over us, is going to be less (and perhaps then they will also shift focus?). Again we cannot deny or fight our fears, but we can face them and be compassionate towards what we observe.
Again this is nothing new. What is new for me is that this could -in an ideal world- be applied by everyone. It would change what we focused on as a society (for the better). And the fear-messaging wouldn’t resonate with us any longer. This could potentially change what is being manifested at a collective level and lead to a better world.. Bye bye fear-instilled society. Fear, power-abuse, wars, all of that could be magically solved if we were to engage in this practice I think. Sounds rosy and overly simplistic 🙂
Realistically this is not going to happen, because not everyone is going to try doing that. At best some may do it once and be done with it, even though it would require consistent and persistent practice.. Also there we could not ‘force’ it onto people because that would be denying our freedom to decide what to take on board and what not.
I guess it is just my hope that more people would practice ‘fear facing’, just so that a little more balance would return to the world <3
Have a good day!