Oh, I so have to share this.. I was on a long flight, and for the occasion I ‘infused’ my phone with some interesting video material for the instance that the onboard programme wasn’t sufficiently satisfying. I went through the 8 episodes of the People’s Republic of Fermentation. The videos show Sandor Katz going to…Continue reading China: People’s republic of fermentation
Category: Uncategorized
Commercial kombucha vs homebrew 0 – 1
I just bought one of the commercially available kombucha’s, out of curiosity as I wanted to compare tastes.. I was totally surprised by the utter lack of it: something sugar-waterish with some light berry compound.. Is this the best that they can do? Common! This is truly a universe apart from what the homebrewer produces…Continue reading Commercial kombucha vs homebrew 0 – 1
Dare I be grain-free?
That is the question 🙂
Fire Cider – Try
Thought I’d share this one with you.. I didn’t get my hands on elderberries this season, so I decided to give fire cider a try. It has all lovely spicy (and firy) ingredients in there, so it has to be good to support the body’s system in the fight against the ‘winter bugs’ What I…Continue reading Fire Cider – Try
Workshop Weil-Am-Rhein on September 25/26
A new beginner workshop coming up in Weil-am-Rhein on September 25/26th! Be sure to register! Both English and German speaking participants are welcome! Participants will get ginger, water kefir, milk kefir and kombucha cultures. Sourdough can also be taken along for those who want
The Cranberries (and your gut flora)
A report published in “Applied and Environmental Microbiology” discussess the ability to metabolize complex sugar molecules from cranberries by Bifidobacterium longum. Bifidobacterium longum supspecies longum, which is one of the good guys in our gut flora is typically present in adults. Infants are mainly colonized by the variant Bifidobacterium longum supsp. infantis, which enables them…Continue reading The Cranberries (and your gut flora)
Fecal Microbes in front of City Hall Park
An interestingly ‘educational’ project in front of City Hall Park, where E. coli magnified 10 000x , along with a huge earthworm, a nematode and a human embryo are exhibited.
Thank you Participants – WAR Workshop!
A heartfelt thank you to all participants of the Weil-am-Rhein Workshop; 1, 2, 3, 4, hier kommt Ingwerbier (und andere probiotische Kulturen)! It was my pleasure to assist you in experimenting with all the different cultures! Hopefully until some time soon!
Bread intolerance detector – results part I
I really hate that this section is called ‘part I’. Yes, indeed, unfortunately there will be more parts to this saga. One of the easiest ways I thought I would find out once and for all if I don’t tolerate gluten is to bake gluten-free bread. Thereto, I made a nice sourdough starter with gluten-free…Continue reading Bread intolerance detector – results part I
“Wash your hands” today (and on all other days ;))
May 5th is the World Hand Hygiene Day! You may have heard of the increasing problems with antibiotic resistance. People casually entering the hospital for a routine surgery end up being infected with almost incurable bacterial infections. This problem is huge and on still on the rise. In order to curb the spreading of these…Continue reading “Wash your hands” today (and on all other days ;))