Beginner’s workshops:
🌟 Come, taste, experiment and share healthy food .. 🌟
.. Made by You !
Dates for 2020
- March 9-10th from 18:00-21:00 – A basic workshop.
- Registration deadline: 04 April 2019!
- Cost: 24EUR + 5 EUR of material costs (to pay on the day).
- Home Sessions
Dates for 2019
Also this year we are organizing two events at VHS Weil-am-Rhein:
- April 8-9th from 18:00-21:00 – A basic workshop.
- Registration deadline: 04 April 2019!
- Cost: 24EUR + 5 EUR of material costs.
- April 29th from 19:00-21:00 – A discussion evening about fermentation where all are welcome, no prior knowledge needed! The aim is to gather like-minded people and discuss fermentation materials and experiments and address questions about cultures or difficulties experienced.
- Registration deadline: 25.04.2019
- Cost: 8 EUR (donations welcome)
- Home sessions
Dates for 2018
🌟 New session – Probioticalia’s Home Sessions! 🌟
Our latest concept: learn to experiment with different probiotic cultures and their applications in the comforts of your own home! Even more, choose the topic yourself!
In a nut shell, these sessions:
- take place in a home setting, i.e. in a (guest) kitchen.
- have a limited number of participants (maximum 5).
- have the host and participants agree on a topic of interest.
- will be repeated at regular intervals. Currently we aim to have one every second Tuesday evening of the month at 19:00.
Our current programme for the next couple of months looks like this:
- Milk kefir basics: smoothies and soft cheese@ Tuesday 13 November 19:00
- Kombucha candy @ Tuesday 10-11 December at 19:00
- Water kefir sparkles @ Tuesday 08 January 19:00
- Kombucha soap @ Tuesday 12 February 2019 19:00 (with follow-up session on 18 March 2019)
- Ginger beer @ Tuesday 12 March 2019 19:00 (with follow-up session on 26 March 2019)
- Sessions in the planning: sourdough and pickles
Registration: Register here
Language: English and German (ask us about other languages!)
Price: donation-based per evening (a min. of 5 EUR suggested)
Reach out to us if you want to lend us your kitchen, if you want to participate in a particular session or if you want a session at another time point. We’re flexible and like to hear from you!
Workshops at VHS
- June 11-12th (2x3h) in Weil am Rhein. Registration closed
This workshop is a basic introduction into cultures that are easy to setup and maintain at home (ginger beer, water kefir, milk kefir, kombucha, sour dough and pickling). All participants receive a sample of the four first cultures, (sour dough is optional) as well as documentation and recipes to set up these cultures at home.
Both English and German speaking participants are very welcome!
Here are two pictures which hopefully help you to locate the event much better and plan you trip there and back:
Get to the train station in Weil-am-Rhein by S-Bahn or Tram 8 from Basel, then:
The yellow/orange mark in the satellite image below indicates the entrance:
Do you have any other question relating to the workshop, do feel free to get in touch!
Monday 25 June 2018 19:00-21:00: live discussion session on fermentation with questions and answers, on experimenting at home, and sharing of experiences. Registration closes on 22 June.
Dates for 2017
- September 25-26th (2x3h) in Weil am Rhein. Registration is open! The workshop has the same content as the one from June. Both English and German speaking participants are welcome!
- June 27-28th (2x4h) in Weil am Rhein. Registration is open!
Fluffy translation of the workshop title: one-two-three, here comes ginger bee(r) 😉 (and other probiotic cultures)..
Workshop description: Aside from yoghurt, sourdough and sauerkraut, there are a couple of other probiotic cultures you can prepare in your own kitchen. This workshop will show you how to set up (and keep alive) Kombucha-, Waterkefir-, Milchkefir- und Gingerbug cultures. We’ll do a refresher on how to start sourdough and pickling, after which we’ll create our own ‘Superfood potions’ using fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices.
German and English speaking participants are both welcome! (Other languages that could be ‘handled’: Dutch and Norwegian ;))
Please feel free to distribute the flyer!!
Dates for 2016
- October 19th 2016 from 18:00 to 22:00 @ Küche der Bärenfellschule; Grenzach-Wyhlen. Registration is now open!
- October 21-22 nd 2016 (2×3 hours), Wheil-Am-Rhein Registration is now open!