On Day 2 of the fermentation it looked like this:
Unfortunately with a lovely aroma, I decided to leave it longer => for what turned out to be a week, it had a note of vinegar, however I decided to bottle it regardless (removing the apples obviously) adding an additional spoon of honey.. Fermentation continued at a slow pace..
I started a new batch, with the same quantities but sliced the apple instead of chopped it, initially this was better, but the slices became quickly quite mushy.. After about 3-4 days I bottled (with airlock, again removing the apples)..
The picture on the left is the first batch of mead, the picture on the right the second:
The airlock is DIY for lack of a better option a balloon with a few holes in them..
After siphoning the top off, the newer batches tasted much like non-fizzy cider 🙂